Essay writing plan
Example Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Quantitative report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Quantitative report - Essay Example Despite the way that Brisbane is a state capital, the recorded foundation of the region expresses that it’s no lesser than a huge town of the nation situated on the northern pieces of Australia. Prior the spot was known for its parochialism in the social and political settings. Anyway in the late 80’s, after the retirement of Bjelke-Petersen, Brisbane strolled on the way of modernization. Today the spot is known to have a developing metropolitan feeling with creating businesses and a promising social condition, joined by clog and a creating property showcase. Inspiration Factors to Attend Event In request to investigate the genuine inspiration of individuals for going to the melodic occasion held in Brisbane, a nearby finished example poll was circled arbitrarily to around 100 individuals that had gone to the occasion. The poll was developed in order to reflect down to earth cause that spurs a person to go to such occasion. The reactions of individuals were given as con tribution to measurable investigation and it was discovered that the three most persuading factors for tourists’ to such occasions are Known-bunch socialization, Cultural experience and Intention. These outcomes are gotten from t-test result esteems where the p-estimations of these factors were seen as extremely low inferring high certainty level and dependability. Then again, the essential celebration inspiration for most melodic occasions comprise of different elements like raising assets, spreading a message, advancement of a battle, rivalry, etc. Simultaneously the crowds goes to the occasion with a few thought processes like happiness (Intention), getting the organization of companions (Socialization), having an inclination for the entertainer or basically in light of the fact that they love music (Culture). In this manner, clearly a spot as urbanized as Brisbane would draw in a great deal of traveler. However the topographical area of the spot makes a lot of obstacle fo r individuals arrive at Brisbane since it’s arranged in the remote pieces of Australia. Accordingly the groups that perform here don't locate an inspiring gathering of crowd. In this setting Joel Saunders of the â€Å"Ambitious Lovers†bunch states, â€Å"They don’t come up here on the grounds that they don’t get great turn-outs. Had they come up here in the prime time of [venue] 610 and stuff, there just would have been children there for reasons unknown, which would have recently turned up there (Interview 1 May 2008)†(Rogers, 2008). The nearby groups of Brisbane anyway figure out how to assemble few crowds which remains profoundly subject to the setting and day of the show. It was noted by Griffin that the advanced time of globalization is drawing the crowds from their neighborhood limits and setting them in a worldwide field where the different limitations are effectively survived (Brennan, 2007). Exploration Question On this premise three exa mination questions can be encircled 1. How the segment profile of the crowd can influence their thought process towards going to the melodic occasion? The example survey was circled among 100 arbitrarily chose people and when their reactions were examined it was discovered that the primary segment profile for going to music occasion in Brisbane comprises of individuals with age-gathering of 18 to 30 years. The consequence of factual examination shows that around 46 individuals out of 100 are in that age-bunch which is additionally commanded by females. This is on the grounds that 52% of this 46 individuals in that age-grou
Saturday, August 22, 2020
History of the Integrated Circuit (Microchip)
History of the Integrated Circuit (Microchip) It appears that the incorporated circuit was bound to be developed. Two separate creators, uninformed of every others exercises, developed practically indistinguishable incorporated circuits or ICs at about a similar time. Jack Kilby, a specialist with a foundation in clay based silk screen circuit sheets and transistor-based portable amplifiers, began working for Texas Instrumentsâ in 1958. A year sooner, look into engineer Robert Noyceâ had helped to establish the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation. From 1958 to 1959, both electrical designers were taking a shot at a response to a similar issue: how to make a greater amount of less. What we didnt acknowledge then was that the coordinated circuit would decrease the expense of electronic capacities by a factor of a million to one, nothing had ever done that for anything previously - Jack Kilby Why the Integrated Circuit Was Needed In structuring a complex electronic machine like a PC it was consistently important to expand the quantity of parts engaged with request to make specialized advances. The solid (framed from a solitary precious stone) incorporated circuit set the recently isolated transistors, resistors, capacitors and all the interfacing wiring onto a solitary gem (or chip) made of semiconductor material. Kilby utilized germanium and Noyce utilized silicon for the semiconductor material. Licenses for the Integrated Circuit In 1959 the two gatherings applied for licenses. Jack Kilby and Texas Instruments got U.S. patent #3,138,743 for scaled down electronic circuits. Robert Noyce and the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation got U.S. patent #2,981,877 for a silicon-based incorporated circuit. The two organizations carefully chose to cross-permit their innovations following quite a long while of fights in court, making a worldwide market now worth about $1 trillion per year. Business Release In 1961 the first industrially accessible coordinated circuits originated from the Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation. All PCs at that point began to be made utilizing chips rather than the individual transistors and their going with parts. Texas Instruments initially utilized the chips in Air Force PCs and the Minuteman Missile in 1962. They later utilized the chips to create the main electronic convenient number crunchers. The first IC had just a single transistor, three resistors, and one capacitor and was the size of a grown-ups pinkie finger. Today an IC littler than a penny can hold 125 million transistors. Jack Kilby holds licenses on more than sixty developments and is likewise notable as the innovator of the convenient number cruncher (1967). In 1970 he was granted the National Medal of Science. Robert Noyce, with sixteen licenses to his name, established Intel, the organization liable for the innovation of the microchip, in 1968. Yet, for the two men, the creation of the coordinated circuit stands truly as one of the most significant advancements of humanity. Practically all advanced items use chip innovation.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Being Brave The Essay Experts New Years Ressaylutions
Being Brave The Essay Expert’s New Year’s Ressaylutions Every year in January, I make New Year’s Resolutions and report them to you, my 1800 or so readers. For anyone who’s serious about resolutions, making them is brave. First of all, we need to do some honest assessment of what’s working and not working in our lives and businesses. We need to consider where we want to head in the next year. Serious resolutions mean the year is going to be a challenge. Of course many of us make our resolutions and then promptly forget about them or give up on them. They are not real to us. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. Making New Year’s Resolutions publicly holds me accountable! As some of you know, I report both my wins and my fails for the year in August and January. This transparency helps me get a lot of things done (though not everything I promise, as you will see below) and encourages me to continually assess and reassess my goals and progress. Here’s what happened in 2013: My 2013 “Ressaylutions†and results were as follows: Publish a Spanish-language version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. Not done. After full consideration of the possibility, I decided it would be untenable to keep up with all the updates of content and images in a foreign-language version of the book as well as an English-language version! Project tabled indefinitely. Publish a 50 Resume Tips book. DONE! In fact, I published two: How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume. They have been selling fairly well on Amazon â€" and many resume writers and clients have told me they are very helpful. I have one job seeker who updated her resume based on the book and promptly got a job! Obtain my CMRW (Certified Master Resume Writer Certification, offered by CDI). DONE! Increase the college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of total business. I’m still at 10%. However, realizing that I was not going to make this goal, I have already put some things into place for 2014, and I will be focusing even more on building this aspect of my business. Start a training for resume writers. This one got put on the back burner as I completed my e-books. Tabled for now but might come up again in 2014. Ressaylutions for 2014: Increase college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of business (carried over from last year for a second go). Some steps already taken in the right direction: Speaking at the NRWA Conference in Denver about how to write a standout college essay. Getting interviews for a widely circulated newspaper talking about college essays (publication still pending). And advertising a new summer program for rising high school seniors to work on their writing skills and personal statement topics (Let me know if you have a student who would like to participate). Roll out a new “responsive†(mobile-friendly) website. I have already hired web designers and they are hard at work! Choose a CRM and project management system. The Essay Expert and my assistant Jeanne Goodman do entirely too much record-keeping by hand. I will be investigating CRM and project management systems this year to determine whether there is one that will make our lives easier over here at The Essay Expert! Serve 250 clients. This year The Essay Expert worked with 200 clients to find new jobs, get into school, and achieve business results. I’m aiming to increase that number by 25%! Generate 214 success stories. I haven’t given up on collecting 200+ client success stories. This year we reached 122 (up from 109 in 2012). I’m planning to increase client numbers next year (see #4) so there will be a better chance of increasing the number of success stories. Please share yours if you haven’t already! What are your New Year’s Resolutions and how will you hold yourself accountable? Please share!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Memory And Long Term Memory - 1315 Words
Do you know how many types of memory you have? There are many parts of memory, but two specific parts are Short Term Memory (STM), and Long Term Memory (LTM).Understanding and learning about STM and LTM will help you improve your memory. What they are and how they work are the most important thing to know about them. You will find out is how long short term memory lasts and how long, long term memory last. You will also find out are ways to remember things in Short Term Memory so they go into Long Term Memory, examples of those ways, and types of Long Term Memories with definitions and examples. Once you create a memory it has to be stored in your mind, and it doesn’t matter how long it’s in there. It can be in there for a long time or a short amount of time. Short term and long term memory is an essential part of life. It has the capacity to store, hold, organize, and remember past experiences and to learn. It is an important part of one s ability to operate as an obs ervant person. What is short term memory? â€Å"Short term memory is the very shortest time that you keep something in your mind before it either goes away or transfers to Long Term Memory†(â€Å"Types of Memory). How does Short Term Memory work? â€Å"Short Term Memory works like this, after the first flicker of something, whether it being an image, a feeling, or a sound it goes into your STM. In short term memory, after you create a memory it stays there for a certain amount of time, and information that is important,Show MoreRelatedShort Term Memory and Long Term Memory Essays554 Words  | 3 PagesShort Term Memory and Long Term Memory Research evidence, theorys and studies supports the views that suggest long term memory and short term memory are separate stores. Short term memory is a system for storing information for brief periods of time. Some researchers (e.g. Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968) see short term memory simply as a temporary storage depot for incoming information, whereas others (e.g. Baddeley 1986, 1990) prefer to use the term working memoryRead MoreThe Long Term And Short Term Memory1926 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam James, memory is a generalized concept that encompasses the long term and short term memory. Kendra Cherry, psychologist expert, defines long term memory as â€Å"storage of information over an extended period.†(Cherry n.d.) An individual’s long term memory is structured by a semi-permanent chemical and the anatomical hippocampus. The hippocampus is in the center of both hemispheres of the brain and works in accordance with the amygdala to allow information to be imported to form memories. In relationRead MoreCorrelation Between Media Multitasking And The Differences Of Working Memory And Long Term Memory1424 Words  | 6 Pagesthe correlation between media multitasking and the differences of working memory and long-term memory in heavy media multitaskers and low media multitaskers. The data was collected from one hundred forty three participants ranging in ages from 18-35. The study was conducted from the Stanford University community. The researchers of this study explore the possibilities of multitasking in relation to working and long-term memory. The results showed that there were four significant findings. A limitationRead MoreHow Short and Long Term Memory Work Essay894 Words  | 4 Pages Short and Long Term Memory Your brain collects and forgets thousands, if not millions of memories every day. Every time you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell something, it comes into your mind and becomes a memory. A mental note is literally taken and shipped to your â€Å"short-term memory†file in your brain. Whether or not it gets pushed to â€Å"long-term memory†depends on how often you pull the sense from your brain, because if it is used often, your brain will automatically instruct itself not toRead MoreShort Memory : Long Term Memory1196 Words  | 5 Pages Long Term Memory Long term memory is located in the inner fold of the temporal lobe. Temporal lobe lies beneath the temples on the head. The temporal lobe controls hearing. There is three types of memory that goes with long term memory. First is procedural memory. Procedural memory is apart of the long term memory and is responsible for knowing how to do things ex- how to ride a bike. Next is semantic memory. Semantic memory is knowledge of meanings, the basics and about the world. ThenRead MoreTypes Of Long Term Memory2173 Words  | 9 Pages(1969), long-term memory is defined as the processes by which information is stored in and retrieved from. The two processes involved in long-term memory are encoding and retrieval. Encoding refers to the process in which information is learned and converted into a memory representation, whereas retrieval refers to accessing previously stored information (Shiffrin Atkinson, 1969). The two forms of long-term memory are declarative or explicit memory and non-declarative or implicit memory. DeclarativeRead MoreShort-Term and Long-Term Memory Loss1129 Words  | 5 PagesForgetting in Short-Term and Long-Term Memory: The memory of human beings is similar to that of computers because it allows individuals to store information for later or future use. However, the storage of information in humans involves three major processes i.e. encoding, storage, and retrieval. The encoding process basically involves transforming data into meaningful form like association with an existing image, memory, or sound. This is followed by holding on to the information through a physiologicalRead MoreOverview of Short and Long Term Memory664 Words  | 3 PagesShort and Long Term Memory Psychologists and neurological experts have concluded that in the very instant something is experienced, a memory is formulated within the mind and lasts forever in some part of the brain. Everything that has ever happened, been said by and to, or done to or by that person, or will ever happen to that person is stored somewhere within the human mind as a single piece of memory. Information enters the brain and the organ performs three operations: encoding, storage, andRead MoreChemistry Of My Long Term Memory1137 Words  | 5 Pages1. I am storing chemistry in my long term memory. General Chemistry just had a test last week so I am attempting to store new information, specifically from Chapter 10 tilted Chemical Bonding. We have covered bond theories and have worked extensively on the Lewis Dot structure. The Lewis Dot structure represents the boding of valence electrons, we represent this bonding using dot structures. There are different types of chemical bonds that must be repr esented with their very own dot structure. WeRead MoreLong Term Memory Storage System1537 Words  | 7 Pagesreliance on memory. Long-term memory storage system is characterized by long duration, large capacity, and accessibility. â€Å"Over the years, several different types of long-term memory have been distinguished, including explicit and implicit memory, declarative and nondeclarative memory (with further subdivision of declarative memory in episodic and semantic memory.†(Mastin. 1) Long term memory can store an incredible amount of information over an extensive period. Long term memory is everything
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Presencia de padres para solicitar pasaporte de menores
Como regla general, para sacar el pasaporte de EE.UU. para un menor de edad es necesaria la presencia y el consentimiento de ambos padres o, en su caso, del guardià ¡n o tutor legal. Sin embargo, la ley reconoce importantes excepciones a esta regla general, ya que a veces es muy difà cil o imposible que ambos padres puedan acompaà ±ar al infante a solicitar el pasaporte. Por ejemplo, cuando no se hablan o, simplemente, no se puede ubicar a uno de ellos. Puntos clave: presencia de padres para solicitar pasaporte para menor en EE.UU. Regla general: es necesaria la presencia y consentimiento de ambos padresExcepciones: custodia no compartida, no es posible ubicar a uno de los padres, es imposible que se presente o uno de ellos se niega a dar su consentimiento para este trà ¡mite. Casos de In Loco Parentis (en el lugar de los padres).Costo pasaporte y/o tarjeta de pasaporte: 16 aà ±os o mà ¡s, 15 aà ±os o menos. Primera vez/renovar. Tarifa de tramitacià ³n urgente y servicio de mensajerà a. Regla general sobre presencia de los padres para solicitar pasaporte de EE.UU. para los hijos La regla general es que se necesita el consentimiento de ambos padres para sacar el pasaporte americano para un nià ±o menor de edad. La consecuencia de dicha regla es que para solicitar el pasaporte de un nià ±o estadounidense ambos padres deben presentarse con el menor en la Oficina o Agencia de Aceptacià ³n de Solicitudes de Pasaporte, si se està ¡ en Estados Unidos, o en una oficina consular si se està ¡ en otro paà s. Excepciones a la regla de presencia conjunta del padre y de la madre Las normas permiten tres excepciones a esta regla general de obligatoriedad de presencia de ambos padres en el trà ¡mite de solicitud de pasaporte estadounidense para un hijo menor de edad. En primer lugar, no es requisito la presencia de padre y madre en la Oficina o Agencia de solicitud de pasaportes o en la oficina consular cuando se puede probar que uno de los progenitores goza en exclusiva de la custodia sobre el hijo. Los documentos aceptados son las siguientes: Certificado de Nacimiento (forma larga) o Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Extranjero del nià ±o en el que figure sà ³lo el nombre del padre o de la madre.Certificado de Defuncià ³n de uno de los padres.Declaracià ³n de una Corte estableciendo que uno de los padres es incompetente para asuntos legales.Certificado de adopcià ³n, cuando el menor es adoptado por sà ³lo un hombre o sà ³lo una mujer.Orden judicial en la que se concede la custodia al padre o a la madre. Sin embargo, en este à ºltimo caso, es posible que el documento judicial expresamente prohiba al progenitor que goza de la custodia en exclusiva del derecho a solicitar un pasaporte para el menor. Si esa es la situacià ³n, no podrà ¡ pedir sin el otro progenitor el pasaporte para el nià ±o. En segundo lugar, no es obligatoria la presencia de ambos padres cuando el papà ¡ y la mamà ¡ tienen la custodia conjunta sobre el menor pero es imposible que uno de ellos acompaà ±e al nià ±o a realizar la tramitacià ³n de pasaporte. Pero para ello es necesario que el progenitor que no lo acompaà ±e complete el formulario DS-3053. Llenar todos los apartados desde el 1 al 4a, dejando en blanco los apartados 4b y 5. Ademà ¡s, hay que obtener la firma de un notario y presentarlo en la oficina de solicitud de pasaporte o en el consulado. Llevar tambià ©n una fotocopia legible de un I.D. oficial del padre ausente. En tercer lugar, incluso es posible que ninguno de los papà ¡s acompaà ±e al infante. En este caso los padres deben hacer una declaracià ³n jurada ante un notario otorgando a favor de otra persona, como por ejemplo, la abuelita o un tà o, el poder para acompaà ±ar al nià ±o y representar a los padres para ese asunto concreto. Esto es lo que se conoce como In Loco Parentis (en el lugar de los padres).  ¿Quà © pasa cuando ambos padres tienen la custodia pero uno se niega a dar el consentimiento o no se puede localizar? Es frecuente que en casos de separacià ³n o divorcio no amistosos, uno de los padres se niegue a dar el consentimiento para que los hijos comunes soliciten el pasaporte. Siempre que ambos padres tengan la custodia, el padre o madre que desee que sus hijos tengan pasaporte puede explicar este problema en el apartado 5 del formulario DS-3053. Su explicacià ³n puede ser aceptada o no. Como recurso final siempre se puede pedir una orden judicial para conseguir la autorizacià ³n del otro progenitor. Pero la Corte solo dictaminarà ¡ que el menor puede aplicar por el pasaporte si el viaje al extranjero que se pretende realizar es en interà ©s del menor y no hay riesgo de que se retenga al menor en el extranjero. Se trata de evitar que uno de los padres viaje con los hijos a otro paà s y no regresen a Estados Unidos. Si esto ocurriera, serà a un delito de secuestro internacional de nià ±os. Tambià ©n puede suceder que uno de los padres no pueda ubicar al otro progenitor para pedir el consentimiento. En este caso la solucià ³n tambià ©n es rellenar el formulario DS-3053, dejando en blanco el apartado 4a y el 4b y extendià ©ndose en el apartado 5 lo mà ¡s que se pueda explicando las gestiones realizadas para localizar otro progenitor. Presencia del menor Cuando se solicita un pasaporte para un nià ±o americano hay que seguir reglas muy estrictas sobre su presencia en la oficina en la que se realiza el trà ¡mite, tanto para la renovacià ³n como para solicitar por primera vez. Como regla general, el nià ±o debe estar presente para este trà ¡mite, aunque sea un bebà ©. Costo y formularios para solicitar pasaporte o tarjeta de pasaporte de EE.UU. para un menor Con el pasaporte estadounidense los ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden salir de e ingresar a EE.UU. por cualquiera de sus pasos migratorios. Por el contrario, con la tarjeta de pasaporte solo es posible utilizar controles migratorios terrestres o marà timos hacia/desde Mà ©xico, Bermudas, Canadà ¡ y Caribe. Cada persona puede elegir un documento u otro o ambos, segà ºn sus necesidades. Segà ºn el Departamento de Estado, el costo de solicitar por primera vez o renovar el pasaporte o la tarjeta de pasaporte de un menor son los siguientes: Pasaporte estadounidense por primera vez: 16 aà ±os o mà ¡s: $110 costo de aplicacià ³n mà ¡s $35 tarifa de ejecucià ³n15 aà ±os o menos: $80 costo de aplicacià ³n mà ¡s $35 tarifa de ejecucià ³n Tarjeta de pasaporte: 16 aà ±os o mà ¡s: $30 costo de aplicacià ³n mà ¡s $35 costo de ejecucià ³n15 aà ±os o menos: $15 costo de aplicacià ³n mà ¡s $35 tarifa de ejecucià ³n Si se desea solicitar al mismo tiempo el pasaporte y la tarjeta de pasaporte se deben pagar el costo de aplicacià ³n de ambos documentos pero solo un coste de aplicacià ³n. Asà , los nià ±os entre 16 y 18 aà ±os pagan $140 por ambos documentos en concepto de aplicacià ³n mà ¡s $35 por ejecucià ³n. Es decir, un total de $175. En el caso de nià ±os de 15 aà ±os o menos, si se solicitan ambos documentos tendrà an que pagar un total de $95 por aplicacià ³n mà ¡s $35 en concepto de ejecucià ³n. La cuota de aplicacià ³n se paga al Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos mientras que la de ejecucià ³n, tambià ©n conocida como de aceptacià ³n, se paga a la Oficina de Aceptacià ³n que tramita la gestià ³n. Costo de renovacià ³n: 16 aà ±os o mà ¡s: $110 por pasaporte y $30 por tarjeta de pasaporte. 15 aà ±os o menos: mismas tarifas que cuando se aplica por primera vez Costos extra en la solicitud del pasaporte: Tarifa por tramitacià ³n urgente: $60Tarifa por entrega en por mensajerà a urgente: $16,48 Este à ºltimo servicio solo es posible dentro de Estados Unidos. No està ¡ disponible para tarjetas de pasaporte. Formularios para solicitar el pasaporte Menores de 15 aà ±os o menos: DS-11, para solicitar por primera vez y renovar16 aà ±os o mà ¡s: DS-11 para solicitar por primera vez, DS-82 para renovar Quà © hacer cuando el pasaporte no llega Puede suceder que la demora entre dentro de los plazos normales, ya que hay gran diferencia si se sigue el procedimiento ordinario o si se paga para una tramitacià ³n urgente. Pero tambià ©n puede suceder que se extravà e por correo. En este caso, es necesario reportar esta incidencia para que las autoridades vuelvan a emitir otro sin coste alguno. Documentacià ³n para el cruce de fronteras Una vez que se tiene el pasaporte, à ©ste es el mejor documento para que un ciudadano americano cruce fronteras, no sà ³lo las de otros paà ses, sino tambià ©n para salir y regresar a los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, en algunos casos muy limitados el pasaporte no es necesario y se admiten otras alternativas para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, la mejor opcià ³n siempre es el pasaporte o, en su caso, la tarjeta de pasaporte. Tambià ©n es importante tener en cuenta quà © documentacià ³n se puede pedir cuando un infante viaja internacionalmente sin estar acompaà ±ado por sus dos padres. Finalmente, antes de viajar a otro paà s, verificar la fecha de expiracià ³n del pasaporte, ya que los de los nià ±os expiran a los cinco aà ±os si se emitieron antes de cumplir 16 aà ±os de edad. Si ya habà an cumplido dicho edad, los pasaportes son và ¡lidos por 10 aà ±os.  Ademà ¡s, verificar si se necesita visa para el paà s al que se va a viajar. Este artà culo es sà ³lo informativo. No es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment Free Essays
Each individual is distinguished by their own unique personality. Personality is developed in different stages of a person life. There are several theorists who have tried to decipher the different types of personalities and determine the meaning of each. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Freud, Jung, and Adler were known as sterling psychologists. Although they were sterling their views on psychology varied. To compare and contrast their psychoanalysis theories, Freud, Jung, and Adler perspectives on personality was similar but dissimilar at times. This assessment will compare and contrast psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Jung, and Adler. The assessment will also explain the two characteristics in which I agree and disagree. This assessment will describe the stages of Freud’s theory and explain characteristics of personality using these components. This assessment will conclude by describing the use of at least three Freudian defense mechanisms with real life examples. The theories Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung shared is called psychoanalytic theories. These great men main theory was to decipher human behavior. They focused on many aspects of understanding of psychology. Their main focus was to discover a person’s previous childhood experiences and decipher the color a male of female would view a current experience. Freud established the theory that focused on psychosexual progress. Adler established human psychology. Jung established the analytical part of psychology. Freud psychoanalytical insight was broken down using three characteristics Id, ego, and superego (Friedman, Schustack, 2012). Freud describes Id as the foundation of personality. Id is demonstrated as not being affected by the external world (Friedman, Schusstack, 2012). The id hold the main physic force and motivations, which referent urges or feelings. The second characteristic Freud describes is ego. Ego demonstrates an individual actually having to with the external world. A person ego is controlled by real life encounters for example, going work, taking care of the children, socializing, and running daily errands. Freud believes that a person ego reflects reality principles, which are real life situations. Carl Jung believes that ego is the facet of an individual’s personality. Jung also believes the ego personality is a conscious action of self control. The third characteristic that Freud demonstrates is superego. Superego is the characteristic that joins moral values and society values. Moral values are taught by our parent who allows a person to know right from wrong. Society morals influence an individual personality by the environment that they live among. Superego is a person conscience that telling them from within what ethical decision or action you need to make (Friedman, Schustack, 2012). Carl G. Jung comes from a family line of ministers on both his mother and father side. Jung theories’ regarding personality was peculiar and somewhat different. Jung personality theories consist of a person’s thought and childhood encounters. His focal point was less on sexuality, and more on historical, spiritual, and supernatural occurrences than Freud’s psychoanalytic psychology (Friedman, Schusstack, 2012). Jung analytic psychology was geared toward three component of the mind: the conscious ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. Jung theory on ego did resemble to Freud’s theory on ego. He believed that a person’s ego was conscious personified by the self motivation. Jung also believed that an individual develops this personality at four years of age (Friedman, Schustack, 2012). How to cite Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment, Papers Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment Free Essays Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment PSY/250 Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment The psychoanalytic theory states that there are inner forces other than your awareness that affect your behavior. Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung influenced psychology with their theories making a very large impact on psychology. As the writer I will compare and contrast the theories of these three gentlemen and decide which of these theories in which I agree and which of these theories I do not agree with. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Freud’s work is now the most recognized and most heavily cited in all of psychology and referenced in humanities as well. Freud emphasized on dreams and sexuality. Dreams according to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory are said to have two levels of content, manifest content and latent content. The manifest content is what a person remembers and consciously considers. The latent content is the underlying hidden meaning. This is the trademark idealism of the psychoanalytic approach to personality, in other words what we see on the surface is only a part of what really lies underneath. Friedman Schustack 2009) In his theory â€Å"libido†was the sexual energy that was responsible for psychological tension. Freud believed that the principal driving force behind men and women’s activities was either repressed or expressed sexuality. Unfulfilled sexuality led to pathological conditions. In other words that the unconscious was the storage facility for repressed sexu al desires. (Friedman, Schustack, 2009) Freud also felt that religion was just an escape and a misleading notion which was an idea that should not be spread to people, that religion was a drug of the masses. His faith was fully in the minds ability to access its unconscious thoughts, thus avoiding any psychiatric disorder. Freud viewed the unconscious as a collection of images, thoughts and experiences that an individual refused to process, which led to psychiatric problems. (Wikipedia, 2010) On the other hand Jung disagreed on what constituted the unconscious. Jung added to Freud’s definition by stating that each individual also possessed a collective unconscious, a group of shared images and archetypes common to all humans. Jung was fascinated with symbols. He argued that there are â€Å"archetypes†among these symbols which relate common human heritage, not just individual experiences. (Wikipedia, 2010) Thus each of us has a set of common symbols within us. Jung’s neo-analytic theory also differed suggesting that â€Å"libido†was a general psychic energy that was not sexual in nature. Jung believed that sex amounted to only one of the many things that drive humans. More importantly, humans are driven by their need to achieve individuation, wholeness or full knowledge of the self. Jung quite different in his beliefs, suggests that religion was an important place of safety for the individual as he or she began the process of individuation, exploring and excepting all parts of the self, that religion was a means of communication between all types of people, because although religions differed, the archetypes and symbols remained the same. In my opinion Jung was more mythical. Adler as opposed to Freud and Jung was in a class of his own. He believed that people were social creatures, forming goals and striving to meet them. Adler saw mental health in terms of having healthy values, which affect what goals we try to achieve. He believed that inferiority complexes affected self esteem and caused a negative effect on human health. Adler argued for holism, masculinity and femininity were crucial to understanding human psychology (Friedman, Schustack, 2009). The desire of the self was offset by social and ethical demands. Adler suggested that social realm was important to psychology as was the internal realm. That the dynamics of power and compensation extend beyond sexuality, and that gender and politics were important considerations that go beyond libido. As you can see Adler was quite the socialist and realist and emphasized the role of empathy. One of the characteristics that I agree with is the theory that dreams play a part in psychoanalytic personality. I say this because of my own personal relationship with dreams. I believe that dreams are a part of our unconscious mind, either from repressed traumatic experiences, which can contribute to nightmares, night sweats, waking up at all hours of the night, which in turn can cause emotional instability and psychiatric disorders. In the same token, I also believe that daydreaming and pleasant dreams can be healthy to ones overall mental health. Another characteristic that I agree with is the theory that parenting and childhood development plays an even greater role in personality. I believe that from the moment you are born how you are nurtured, loved, and cared for, shapes who you will become as an adult. Childhood is the most critical time in the development stages of the one’s personality. On the other hand, one of the theories that I disagree with is Freud’s libido theory. I think that he had a dark deep obsession with sex and over emphasized it, in including it in his theory. I felt he had no basis, no proof, and no real meaning in his conclusion. The only connection to personality that I believe sex would have, is if one has been through a traumatic experience such as rape, suffer from sexual identity, a sexual addiction or other sexual crisis, otherwise I feel it has no place in personality. Freud just put way too much emphasis on sex in his theory. Another Freudian theory I disagree with is that religion is just an escape and a misleading notion. I have a strong disenchantment with this, being I am a very religious person. For the most part all nations, all creeds, all walks of life on this earth, have some sort of religious views. Religion is taught to us as children and plays a very important role in how we place our values, our morals, our principals, so to exclude religion from psychoanalytic personality is preposterous. Our religion, along with our childhood development determines who we are and who we will become. Religion is the most destructive of all weapons of mass destruction, and yet Freud looks at it so nonchalantly. More people have died in the name of religion that any other causes. I know that my religion weighs heavily on my personality. The five stages of Freud’s theory are that from age 0-2 (Oral) which is the first stage, the characteristic is the mouth: sucking, biting and swallowing, the conflict is the weaning away from the mother’s breast. This stage suggests that the willing personality is preoccupied with oral activities such as eating, smoking, biting nails or drinking. The oral aggressive personality is hostile and verbally abusive using mouth based aggression. The second stage from age 2-4 (Anal) is the defecating or retaining of feces. The conflict is toilet training. The anal personality is stingy, and has a compulsive desire for order and tidiness. This person is generally stubborn and a perfectionist. The anal expulsive personality has a lack of self control, being generally messy and careless. The third stage from ages 4-5 (Phallic) is genitals. A boy being Oedipus and a girl Electra, which is a process through which they learn to identify with the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent as possible. Boys suffer castration anxiety by believing that the father knows that they desire their mothers, and thinking that the father will castrate him. Girls suffer from penis envy, where she is attached to her mother but then shifts her attachment once she realizes her mother lacks a penis, she then desires her father but later represses her desire for her father and incorporates the value of her mother and accepts her inferiority. The fourth stage, age’s 6-puberty (Latency) is unacceptable sexual desires that may flow into sports and hobbies, having the same sex friends help avoid sexual feelings. This personality is relatively calm. Sexual and aggressive behavior is less active. The fifth and last stage is the Genital stage and this personality represents maturity, intellectual and artistic creativity. This personality is well adjusted and balanced. Now after all of this, are you convinced as well as I am that Freud was way off the charts? Again I say that he put much too much emphasis on sex. Freud believed and developed a series of defense mechanisms and all of his defense mechanisms shared two common properties. One in which they often appeared unconsciously and two they tended to distort, transform, or otherwise falsify reality. One of his defense mechanisms â€Å"Intellectualization†is taking on an objective viewpoint. Suppose a husband learns that his wife has an incurable disease. He tries to learn everything he can about the disease and treatment options and by doing so represses feelings of anxiety, feelings of not being able to do anything to help his wife and any feelings of anger he may be feeling. Focusing on the facts rather than the emotional content of the situation. Freud, Jung and Adler each had their own ideas when it came to psychoanalytic personality, though they did not agree on all aspects of each other’s ideas, combined they were the founding fathers of psychoanalytic personality and are still highly regarded in the field of psychology today. Their theories combined opened doors into the vastness and complexity of the human mind. I believe in the field of psychology a little of each of their theories are being practiced today. There is a little Jung, Adler and Freud in each of us as we try and decipher the human mind and human behavior. References Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2001). Sigmund Freud. Retrieved from http://www. iep. utm. edu Friedman, H. S. , Schuustack, M. W. (2009). Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research (4th ed. ). : Pearson Education, Inc.. Boeree, G. C. (1997,2006). Alfred Adler. Retrieved from http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/adler/html How to cite Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Career Analysis Of Film and Television Industry - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Career Analysis Of Film and Television Industry. Answer: Introduction The film, television, and screen offer more than entertainment. They inform, inspire and act as a part of the culture. This field offers jobs to many people and create their career path. The glamour and creativity of this industry attract people with a variety of skills. Although working in this industry is not always easy and glamorous as it seems. Different types of challenges may face the emerging practitioner and requires him to develop certain skills to be able to compete and create the desired success he wishes to gain. This essay discusses the industry discipline and the recent changes that took place. It will also highlight the practitioners career specifications within the industry. Finally, it introduces the opportunities and problems faced by emerging practitioners. The film, television and screen industry discipline The TV and screen film production witnessed multiple changes as a result of the variety of media channels that the audience can choose to view. TV channels are no more attractive to the audience who prefer the online space. Today, the screen production offers great career opportunities for creative, problem solver and social people (Auckland University of Technology, 2016). Many film producers developed competencies in the drama television production to be able to diversify their work and sustain their business (Screen Sector Leadership Group, 2017). In order to reduce the risk associated with the film production, producers tend to take important actions according to Screen Australia (2015b), as follows: Cinema on demand: It provides direct contact with the audiences, as it enables anyone to ask for screening a participating film at the cinema. Cinema-on-demand services act as a mediator. Similarly, the tickets on demand that could be purchased on-line. Event screenings: Assist in making the cinema a premium experience for its visitors. The distributor can add more services as allowing questions and answers to the film makers. Primary release to transactional video on demand: Is considered a strategy for some film producers to raise their profile outside the cinema through targeting the online audience, and utilizing social media channels. This way is used to maximize the market impact. Film production attracts different types of people to collaborate on a single project. The work is tasking, stressing and frustrating and it includes difficulties in earning money. It is difficult to find work and stay employed in the film industry. People may stay unemployed between projects. The filmmakers suggest that wages should not be the motivator for work in this occupation (Royster Vilorio, 2013). As an innovative industry, challenges do exist and should be avoided to ensure the stability of a work (Sergi, 2012). Actions should be taken to keep growing in the film and screen industry. The practitioners careers within the film, television and screen industry The career pattern of people working in the film, TV and screen production reveals a diversity of work type. Unlike stable, permanent jobs, the TV and screen industry workers are employed as freelancers, service providers, individual contractors, crew, and directors. Income fluctuates year to year and work is not guaranteed (Mayer, 2017). It is a portfolio career, the junior level faces a lot of competition, but the multi skilled graduate is highly advantages when entering the workplace. For example, the advertising agencies usually contract production houses to make a huge budget commercials and utilize the best directors (Auckland University of Technology, 2016). There are some personal qualities of people who want to join the film and television industry, including the common sense, showing initiatives, resilient, able to learn new skills, communication skills, ability to manage stressful behaviors, and take risks (Brunel University of London, 2012). According to Screen Australia (2015a), there is no right way to enter the film and television industry, it is important to gather information related to the industry. Also, taking training courses and degree is important. Finding work experience, mentorship will help in getting a better chance to be employed. To keep informed about new developments in the industry is very important to find the best opportunity. Networking is considered an effective way to get involved, as state agencies, associations and festivals. The real world examples reveal the importance of formulating a plan to sustain a successful career. According to the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (2017), we can consider the experience of "Jinx Godfrey", an editor. She has participated in Man on Wire, Project, but before this she has started as an assistant editor in a commercial editing company. She began with editing TV commercials and documentaries. Learning was her key to success, as she found that editing documentaries very rewarding. To sustain her career, she could figure out the kind of films she wanted to edit, followed the client directions, established good relationships and she could choose the best work to do. Although, the film and television industry is a highly attractive industry, and people can get their dream jobs within it, but it requires special skills to help in sustaining the career. Opportunities and potential problems faced by emerging practitioners Emerging practitioners have to take the opportunities offered by the industry and manage the expected problems. Working in the film and television industry teach workers how to work within a team and utilize the opportunity to bring their vision to life on screen (Griffith University, 2015). The opportunities and problems are stated as follows: Opportunities: By developing the workers' advanced skills, they will be ready to contribute in the film and television industry as practitioners and the creators (Elsley, 2016) The digital technology underpins the most forms of screen media, the emerging practitioner will learn how to deal with diversity of forms, resources and techniques. Also, he will be able to fit himself in the chosen field (Griffith University, 2015). The digital technology provides opportunities for production and distribution. Although their capabilities for career evolving are still limited. Digital technology creates opportunities for both production and distribution, but its effectiveness for career progression and relationship to professional employment are still evolving (Rossiter Alcaraz, 2015). Access to resources, including time, equipment, finance and formal education are necessary to exist altogether to build a successful career (Rossiter Alcaraz, 2015). Potential problems: Challenges of the film distribution could be represented in the audience attitude, as they pay for the whole experience not only the film. Also, audience expect content on demand at the low or no cost (Screen Australia, 2015b). The career path is nonlinear or predictable, the screen production does not offer a standard definition for the emerging screen practitioner (Rossiter Alcaraz, 2015). The emerging practitioner had to proof himself through practice rather than the formal education (Rossiter Alcaraz, 2015). Following the graduation, the emerging practitioner faces the challenge of balancing between the day job with guaranteed income and the need to prove himself (Rossiter Alcaraz, 2015). The emerging practitioner may move overseas if he is talented to gain a better chance to progress in his career (Mayer, 2016) The emerging practitioner faces considerable amount of problems, especially in the screen production. The industry is dynamic and uncertain in terms of investments, customer demand and outcomes (Rossiter Alcaraz, 2017). There is no stable hierarchy or clearly defined job description that clarify the opportunities and challenges of the career success. Conclusion Film production attracts different types of people to collaborate on a single project. The industry is dynamic and uncertain in terms of investments, customer demand and outcomes. As it is difficult to find work and stay employed in the film industry, it requires special skills to help in sustaining the career. Emerging practitioners have to take the opportunities offered by the industry and manage the expected problems. There is no stable hierarchy or clearly defined job description that clarify the opportunities and challenges of the career success. References Auckland University of Technology. (2016). A future in TV screen production. New Zealand. British Academy of Film and Television Arts. (2017). Succeding in the film, television, and games industry. UK. Brunel University of London. (2012). Industry insight - Media. UK. Elsley, B. (2016). Making TV more diverse. UK: Creative Skillset. Griffith University. (2015). Career options: Film screen media. Australia. Mayer, V. (2016). The production of extras in a precarious creative economy. In M. Curtin, K. Sanson, Precarious Creativity (pp. 5-73). University of California Press. Mayer, V. (2017). The place of treme in the film economy: Love and labor for Hollywood south. In Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans (pp. 69-95). University of California Press. Rossiter, C., Alcaraz, C. (2015). Emerging visions: Career pathways in the Australian screen production industry. Australia: Metro Screen Pty Ltd. Rossiter, C., Alcaraz, C. (2017, Nov. 30). Emerging visions: career success factors in Australian screen production. Retrieved from Aspera: Royster, S., Vilorio, D. (2013). From script to screen. USA. Screen Australia. (2015a). Info guide: Getting started film, TV, online and interactive. Australia. Screen Australia. (2015b). Issues in feature film distribution. Australia. Screen Sector Leadership Group. (2017). Report to culture, tourism, Europe and external relations committee. Scotland. Sergi, G. (2012). Studios and spaces of production in the digital era: Global challenges and local opportunities for the screen industry. The university of Nottingham.
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